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Our Story
We are located in North Idaho, in the beautiful little town of Sandpoint. My husband and I built a little homestead up in the mountains, off grid and away from everything about 9 years ago. It didn't take long for me to miss my family, and soon mom and dad moved up and built a place beside us! This was just the beginning of our great adventure!
My name is Laurie, and my mom (and best friend) is Cassie! We run the livestock together and try to help out with the garden when we can, but honestly...that's really dad's baby. Together, our families work toward the goal of being sustainable and self sufficient in the most natural and holistic way possible. We keep a variety of critters on our farm to assist us in our goals. Nigerians for dairy and skin care, Angora rabbits for fiber, and chickens just to name a few! We also have two adorable children that keep the rabbits and do 4-H. Nana (aka Cassie) is the resident teacher and cheese/soap maker. The girls spin our glorious fiber and knit winter wear. I am the "crazy goat lady", as they say. There is always something interesting going on up here, and one day we hope to find time to write about that and share it with you! But off grid, who has the time or solar power for that! Lol!
All of our goats are registered through the American Dairy Goat Association. We participate in Linear Appraisal, and plan to start milk test as well. We breed for type, temperament and milk!