Sparrow photo-bombing. lol

Shelby is a lovely young doe. She was being extremely uncooperative during our photo all you get are photos of her, as I casually chased her around the yard and barn! Lol!
Her mother, Nova, was stunning but ultimately not productive enough to stay we kept Shelby and she moved on.
Shelby has a very well attached mammary, with a nice MSL and perfectly placed teats. She produces a quart per 12 hour fill, which is an improvement over her dam. Her legs are soooo straight, elbows tight, great shoulders and all togther a nice front end assembly! If I could change somethingabout her, I'd like to see more width in the rear.
She is %100 EVERY SINGLE GUESTS favorite doe! They always ask if she can go home with them....and the answer is always no, but it doesn't hurt to try!.